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Add New Data Type (Custom Oracle Query)


  1. Your new data type, or query, should be defined in the dataSpecs repo. If not, create the spec there first. Once that's done, follow the steps below.
  2. Create a subclass of AbiQuery in src/telliot_feeds/queries/. For example, if you wanted to implement the Snapshot query type, it would look like this:
    import logging
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from typing import Optional
    from telliot_feeds.dtypes.value_type import ValueType
    from telliot_feeds.queries.abi_query import AbiQuery
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class Snapshot(AbiQuery):
        """Returns the proposal result for a given proposal id (an IPFS hash for a certain proposal) coming from Snapshot.
           A boolean value indicating whether a proposal succeeded (True) or failed (False) should be returned.
                Specifies the requested data a of a valid proposal on Snapshot.
        See for proposal results.
        See the data spec for more info about this query type:
        proposalId: Optional[str]
        #: ABI used for encoding/decoding parameters
        abi = [{"name": "proposalId", "type": "string"}]
        def value_type(self) -> ValueType:
            """Data type returned for a Snapshot query.
            - `bool`: a boolean value true or false equivalent to uint8 restricted to the values 0 and 1
            - `packed`: false
            return ValueType(abi_type="bool", packed=False)
  3. Next you'll need to add a data source for your query type in src/telliot_feeds/sources/. For an example of an automated data source, see src/telliot_feeds/sources/ For an example of a data source that requires manual entry, see src/telliot_feeds/sources/manual/
  4. Create an instance of the DataFeed class in src/telliot_feeds/feeds/. For example, if you had implemented the SpotPrice query type and added sources for MATIC/USD, the DataFeed subclass would look like this (src/telliot_feeds/feeds/
    from telliot_feeds.datafeed import DataFeed
    from telliot_feeds.queries.price.spot_price import SpotPrice
    from import BinanceSpotPriceSource
    from import BittrexSpotPriceSource
    from import CoinbaseSpotPriceSource
    from import CoinGeckoSpotPriceSource
    from import GeminiSpotPriceSource
    from import KrakenSpotPriceSource
    from telliot_feeds.sources.price_aggregator import PriceAggregator
    matic_usd_median_feed = DataFeed(
        query=SpotPrice(asset="MATIC", currency="USD"),
                CoinGeckoSpotPriceSource(asset="matic", currency="usd"),
                BittrexSpotPriceSource(asset="matic", currency="usd"),
                BinanceSpotPriceSource(asset="matic", currency="usdt"),
                CoinbaseSpotPriceSource(asset="matic", currency="usd"),
                GeminiSpotPriceSource(asset="matic", currency="usd"),
                KrakenSpotPriceSource(asset="matic", currency="usd"),
  5. Add example instance of the query type to catalog. For example, if you wanted an example Snapshot query instance in the catalog, edit src/telliot_feeds/queries/ to include:
        title="Snapshot proposal example",
  6. Make sure you've added tests for your new query type, data sources, data feed, & changes to the CLI.
  7. Submit a PR to the telliot-feeds repo. Included an example submitValue transaction for your new query type in the PR description. For example this PR.