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Steps for releasing a new version of telliot-feeds

  1. Make sure the latest changes in telliot-core are released to PyPI. Follow the steps here to release a new version of telliot-core.
  2. Update the telliot-core dependency version in setup.cfg to the latest version.
  3. The steps for releasing a new version of telliot-feeds are very similar to the steps for telliot-core releases, so follow the steps in the link above, after you've completed step 2.
  4. Update the telliot-feeds version in the Dockerfile to the latest version. For example, if the latest version is 0.1.0, then the line in the Dockerfile should be RUN pip install telliot-feeds==0.1.0.
  5. Now, release a new image to Docker Hub. Here are the commands to do so once in the home directory of the repo:
    • login to docker hub: docker login --username=tellorofficial (asks for password)
    • build image: docker build -t tellorofficial/telliot:latest .
    • setup image builder: docker buildx create --name mybuilder
    • use image builder: docker buildx use mybuilder
    • build image for multiple platforms: docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t tellorofficial/telliot:latest --push .
    • get image id: docker images
    • tag image: docker tag {img_id} tellorofficial/telliot:latest (replace {img_id} with the image id)
    • push image: docker push tellorofficial/telliot:latest
  6. Test the new image using the steps in the docker getting started section of the docs here.